Mind Of Hack

Mind Of Hack is a place where you can learn Some Amazing Triks about Computer and Electronic Devices. It's all about Mind games. As this new world of growth hacking comes to prominence, and jobs begin to open up, individuals who are enticed by the possibility will wonder if they have what it takes to be a growth hacker. As with any career, certain kinds of individuals will flourish more than others, but before getting into that, let’s debunk a few myths.

Hack Microsoft Saprtan Browser And Earn $15,000

If you’re a bug hunter and love playing with codes than you could grab as much as US$15,000 from Microsoft for finding out vulnerabilities in its latest Project Spartan browser.

Yes, $15,000!

It seems like Redmond don’t want to take a chance to let hackers and cyber criminals get their hands on the company’s latest Windows 10 operating system.
On Wednesday, Microsoft announced that the company will be expanding its bug bounty program ahead of the release of Windows 10, which will include a two-month hunt for vulnerabilities in its new web browser, Project Spartan.

Hack Microsoft Saprtan Browser And Earn $15,000 Hack Microsoft Saprtan Browser And Earn $15,000 Reviewed by Unknown on 14:37 Rating: 5

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