Mind Of Hack

Mind Of Hack is a place where you can learn Some Amazing Triks about Computer and Electronic Devices. It's all about Mind games. As this new world of growth hacking comes to prominence, and jobs begin to open up, individuals who are enticed by the possibility will wonder if they have what it takes to be a growth hacker. As with any career, certain kinds of individuals will flourish more than others, but before getting into that, let’s debunk a few myths.

Key Components Of IT System

                        The field of engineering involving computer-based hardware and software systems, and        communication systems, to enable the acquisition, representation, storage, transmission, and use of information…

The 5 components of  IT system are as followed:

The term hardware refers to machinery.This category includes the computer itself, which is often referred to as the central processing unit (CPU), and all of its support equipments. Among the support equipments are input and output devices, storage devices and communications devices.Hardware consist of  Ram,Hard disk,Mother-booard Etc
2. Software:
The term software refers to computer programs and the manuals (if any) that support them. First computer read all the information & then process it to create usefull Data. Programs are generally stored on some input / output medium,often a disk or tape.

3. Data:
Data are facts that are used by programs to produce useful information & then this information is stored in hard drive.

4. Procedures:
Procedures are the policies that govern the operation of a computer system. "Procedures are to people what software is to hardware" is a common analogy that is used to illustrate the role of procedures in a CBIS.

5. People:
Often the most over-looked element of the CBIS are the people, probably the component that most influence the success or failure of information system.


1. Information systems capture data from the organization (internal data) and its environment (external data).
2. They store the database items over an extensive period of time.
3. When specific information is needed, the appropriate data items are manipulated as necessary, and the user receives the resulting information.

4. Depending on the type of information system, the information output may take the form a query response, decision outcome, expert-system advice, transaction document, or a report.
Key Components Of IT System Key Components Of IT System Reviewed by Unknown on 17:31 Rating: 5

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